10.4. Robustness
and Comparison with Martens' Uncertainty Test
In the
field of calibration by the PLS, a method called Martens' Uncertainty Test [32],[33],[41]
has gained increasing popularity during the last two years. This test uses a
jackknifing procedure with many submodels to identify non-significant variables.
Thereby a statistics is setup for the regression coefficients of all variables
and then those variables are eliminated, which are identified as being non-significant
according to this statistics. The genetic algorithm framework and the parallel
growing network framework introduced in this work use a similar method of selecting
only significant variables but work the other way round. Instead of eliminating
variables, the frameworks add variables according to a ranking, which was established
by many submodels in a previous step, until the prediction does not significantly
improve determined by a subsampling process. The frameworks are generally more
conservative in terms of selecting variables compared with Martens' Uncertainty
Test. The significance determined by the subsampling process in the second step
of the frameworks can also be used to access the uncertainties respectively
the robustness of the predictions. Thereby the standard deviations for the predictions
of the subsampled test data by the different submodels are calculated during
the subsampling process [267].
For example, the uncertainties of the predictions of the refrigerant data for
the parallel growing neural networks framework (4th row of table
4) were estimated as 0.17% for R22 and 0.14% for R134a in terms of subsampled
standard deviations. For the evaluation of the same data by the genetic algorithm
framework, the standard deviations are also low with 0.11% for R22 and 0.18%
for R134a. The ternary mixtures of the alcohols measured by SPR showed uncertainties
of 0.27% for methanol, 0.32% for ethanol and 0.34% for 1-propanol evaluated
by the parallel growing neural network framework respectively 0.21% for ethanol,
0.25% for ethanol and 0.30% for 1-propanol evaluated by the genetic algorithm
framework. Thus, the calibrations by the frameworks can be considered as generally
being quite robust.