networks (NN) are parallel information processing systems consisting of a number
of simple neurons (also called nodes or units), which are organized in layers
and which are connected by links. The artificial neural networks imitate the
highly interconnected structures of the brain and the nervous system of animals
and humans whereby the neurons correspond to the cell bodies and the links are
equivalent to the axons in biology. There are a number of different types of
NN, whereby only multilayer feedforward neural networks are used and discussed
in this study. An example of a multilayer feedforward neural network for three
input variables x1,
x2, x3 and one response variable y is shown in figure
figure 1: Network elements of
a multilayer feedforward backpropagation network.
input variables are presented to the NN at the input units, which distribute
the information by the connection links. Thereby the input variables are
multiplied by the connection weights w'ij
between the input and hidden layer. The hidden neurons sum the weighted signals
from the input neurons and then project this sum on an activation function fh. The resulting activations
of the hidden neurons are weighted by the connections w''j between the hidden and
output neurons and sent to the output neuron(s). The output neuron also performs
a summation and projection on its activation function fo. The output of this neuron is the estimated
response. In the case of a single output
neuron, the calculation of the estimated response can be summarized as:
nv and nh are the number of input neurons
and hidden neurons and and are the biases of the
hidden and output neurons, which shift the transfer functions horizontally. The
weights and and the biases and are the
adjustable parameters, which are determined by a learning algorithm during the calibration
(often called training or learning) and which are assigned random values before
the calibration. During the training, calibration samples with known response
variables y (concentrations) are
passed through the network. Then, the error between the predicted responses and
the known experimental responses is calculated and used to adjust the
parameters of the net in a backpropagation step to minimize the error. Theses
two steps form an epoch (also called learn cycle or learn step) and are
repeated until an acceptable low error is reached. The learning algorithm tries
to find an acceptable minimum on the error surface, whereby in most cases the
absolute minimum of the error surface is not found.