Methanol, Ethanol and Propanol by the RIfS Array
and the 4l
mixtures of methanol, ethanol and 1-propanol were measured by the RIfS Array
setup and the 4l setup to compare the performance of these setups [195].
Additionally the effect of smoothing the sensor responses is investigated, as
the sensor signals of the RIfS setups are noisier than the sensor signals of
the SPR setup using Makrolon as sensitive layer. For both setups, a 6-level
equidistant full factorial design with relative saturation pressures between 0
and 0.1 was measured twice for the calibration data set. The validation data
set is a 5-level equidistant full factorial design with relative saturation
pressures between 0.01 and 0.09 also measured twice. The data of the 4l setup, which was
equipped with a 310 nm Makrolon layer, were recorded during 180 seconds of
exposure to analyte (44 time points recorded) and afterwards 575 seconds during
exposure to synthetic air (149 time points recorded). The data set of the array
setup, which was equipped with a 80 nm, a 120 nm, and a 160 nm Makrolon layer
and additionally with a PUT layer, were recorded during 240 seconds exposure to
analyte and afterwards during 210 seconds of exposure to synthetic air with a
time resolution of 50 data points per sensor. Due to a bug in the program for
the gas mixing station, 15 measurements of the calibration set and 18
measurements of the validation sets had to be removed.